Most Boring Yet Brainy Quiz Ever!

This is a quiz that will allow you to see how bored you really are. The more bored you are, the more likely you are to go through with this and get a high score.

So, are YOU bored? Do you have enough boredom to over power some of the worlds boredest people? Are you, as the title goes, "Bored, yet brainy?" Thanks to this quiz, in a few of your boring minutes, you will find out!

Created by: Shannon
  1. What is the most used letter in this question?
  2. How many books have you read for the past year?
  3. What is 123456+654321?
  4. What does a Skeleton key look like?
  5. When did I loose my pet stick insect?
  6. How was the person feeling when he invented boredom?
  7. How old is a baby?
  8. How bored are you from doing this?
  9. How do you get off school?
  10. 2+2-2*2/2=?
  11. Is this nearly over?
  12. It is now!

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