Miss Smyth's Baroque Quiz

This is a quiz for year 10 elective music students to help them recall information they have learned during the unit. I have planned the unit based on the Board of Studies requirements and have used ideas from the Syllabus in my program.

If you have trouble the first could of times, keep trying until you get in the 85% - 100% so that you are more likely to remember what you have learned. Practice makes perfect, and the better you are at theory, the better you will be at practical.

Created by: Alana
  1. Which one of the following is not a composer from the Baroque period?
  2. Who wrote Canon in D Major?
  3. When was the Baroque period?
  4. What is texture?
  5. What sharps are in a D Major Scale?
  6. What chord is the Super Tonic in D Major?
  7. What chord is called the Dominant?
  8. What was Pachelbel's first name?
  9. What composer is known as 'The One Hit Wonder' of the Baroque Period?
  10. What instruments was Canon in D Major originally written for?

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