Mermaid Quiz for girls

This is a quiz to find out whether you are a mermaid or not. Only 100 percent is a full mermaid.Sorry but there are wrong answers.Good luck everyone!!!

Are you a mermaid?If you want to know,you should take this quiz.If you get 20 sorry but your not a mermaid. Good job if you get 100!!!!See you next quiz>

Created by: Maya Stella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to sing?
  2. Do you like getting wet?
  3. Your favorite name is?
  4. What would you have as a pet?
  5. What would you rather do?
  6. What do you like to eat?
  7. what do you like to wear?
  8. Do you like h20 or little mermaid?
  9. what will you rate this quiz
  10. do you like this quiz

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