
There are A LOT of smart people in the world and i mean A LOT! Well take this quiz to see if you know more about me and my blog! You will find out if you are one of those smart people in a minute!

Are YOU one of those smart people?????????? Well what are you waiting for take this quiz to find out if you really are a know it all about my blog!

Created by: Princess sonwycloud
  1. What is my wolf's name on animal jam?
  2. What is my bunny's name on animal jam?
  3. What was the day i made my first blog post?
  4. Do i have a regular glove on animal jam?
  5. What color is my glove on animal jam?
  6. What animal do i wish i could have on animal jam?
  7. What type of animal was standing next to me while i was sleeping in the tree in appondale?
  8. What rare item did i love?
  9. Who was standing next to me when i took the screenshot of the new flag shop?
  10. When i was in the flag shop, what was the tiger's name that was standing on the stairs?

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