Melissa Awareness Quiz

A lot of people say they know someone but never really do. I made this quiz to see which of my friends really know me and which of them don't pay enough attention to know if I am right handed or left, blonde or brunette.

Do you pay attention? Think you know all about me? Take the Melissa Awareness Quiz and find out! And by the way, I am right handed, and brunette. If you got those wrong, maybe we should actually, like, meet before you attempt this.

Created by: Melissa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, we will start off with an easy one. My title is the Queen of _____.
  2. Another easy one: A lot of my shoes are _____.
  3. A little harder now: I ask you to grab a drink out of the refrigerator for me. What do you choose?
  4. Easy question if you really know me: Who is my favorite artist?
  5. What is my favorite TV show? (Think, people think! It is not rocket science here!)
  6. Now for a REALLY tricky one: Who is my favorite Wiggle?
  7. I am unable to:
  8. Here come the hard questions: Which event would I probably have the most fun at?
  9. Only 2 more questions. Relax. Take a deep breath. You are almost done. Okay, who is my yellow bird, Gracie, named after?
  10. What are the Yankees?

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