Math Exam: How well do you know your maths? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Math Exam: How well do you know your maths?

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  • Well, this quiz has a good structure, but I'm sorry that I recommend people not to take this quiz, because:

    1. Simple opening, but quite inviting.

    2. Too easy questions. Two graders can answer these questions.

    3. The last question is confusing. In the sentence, you wrote "bought 4 of them" which means you bought your own bananas. The correct answer should be 2.

    4. Lame, as you commented on some questions.

    5. Irrelevant to the opening which says genius can answer COMPLEX questions TIMED. You didn't give us time, method restriction and complex questions.

    Sorry , but I rated three. Perhaps you will do better next time.


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