Madness High pt. 1

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This is a story of surprises, twists, looove, and new schools. In a place called Darkness Falls survival is hard. Both socialy and physicly. And boys... It is not for you!

Do you have what it takes? Do you think you can survive in Darkness and Madness high? Well go ahead and try. I dare you. You might like it after all. We are all wild. Inside or out.

Created by: Ellisianmatters

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok this is a new story that I belive you might like girlies. I personaly dont care what your like so venture into the deep forest town of Darkness Falls and your new High school. This is about a girl (you) who is too adventurous for her own good and will try to solve the haunting question. What is happening in Drkness Falls? Here it is.
  2. You had finaly finished unpacking your stuff in the abandoned tree house when you decided to go out to hike. You quietly threw on your boots and a pair of fingerless gloves and ventured out into the wilderness. The trees seemed to bend and twist as if reaching for something unknown to your eyes. You eventualy got lost in the beauty of the wicked forest and you didnt notice as a huge dark figure shadowed your every move untill you abruptly stoped. You closed your eyes and started screaming at the top of your lungs. (this has no specific reason. Have you ever just had random outbursts) Suddenly your scream was cut off just as the shadow slammed into you. Some how you ended up in a half kneeling half standing position staring into the deep evergreen eyes of a black panther. They seemed almost... human The panther tensed and suddenly pounced. You felt a scream choking at your throught but opened your eyes to the panther colliding with a sandy brown wolf beside you. It looked up at you and you realised it was telling you to go. You were turning as you saw a glimmering light peeking out from your clenched fist. Slowly you released your fingers and gasped. A medallion rested in your hand with a fist sized blood red jewl. Later you went into a deep sleep filled with evergreen eyes and the madallion resting at your chest.
  3. You woke up the next day in a start. Confused you glanced at the alarm clock because you normaly dont wake up before the clock. You yelped when you saw it was 9:00. It was the exact time you where supposed to be in school. Late on your first day ____, nice, You thought. As fast as you can you threw on a striped black and white v neck long sleeve, your black cargo pants, and combat boots-
  4. You had managed to hitch a ride with your older brother Paul (guardian) to school. When you got there you admired that the old cracked brick building hadnt fallen down yet. Inwardly groaning you shoved through the heavy metal doors and made you way to the office. Inside you saw a bigger woman asleep at the desk... Surprising. "What do you want?" she growled causing you to jump. "Um I need my schedule. I am new here..."Ahh! ______? Right?" she muttered and shoved an envelope your way. "Thanks?" you said and made your way down the hallway. Locker 333... Nice Three is my unlucky number. You quickly shoved your stuff in the locker and made your way to your first class. Algebra... CRAP! You sighed and made your way up the second floor and notices a faint shape in the wall. You decided you'd check it out later and finnaly fould the class. You were just about to open the door when a hand clamped around your mouth...
  5. Then you were dragged into a locker, but weirdly enough you and your captor ended up in a whole new room. Finaly they had let go and you jumped away from them. "Who are you? What do you want?" you cried out. Just then the light switched on and the most gorgeous boy you have ever seen stood before you. He wore a black shirt and black jeans. His hair was pitch black and hada single red streak in it. "Nothing ... I was saving the new girl from possible death. And giving you your coat." he said in a soothing voice. You smiled and took it "Thanks, I havent seen this since I went hiki-" Just then a realization hit. You hadnt seen this since the attack. Startled you looked up into a pair of evergreen eyes...
  6. Outraged you demanded "Where did you get this?" Some unknown emotion flashed through his eyes and then he said, "While I was hiking... I do that after school... I have problems with my brother... you know... He can really get on my nerves. He is my twin brother. You would know him if you saw him..."
  7. School passed by after that in a blur. You sat alone in lunch untill a cute boy you met (Tyson) sat next to you. You guys talked and bonded and became quick friends... Meanwhile you couldnt get your thoughts off of the boy you met (Damien).
  8. At the end of the day you waited for your loser brother who never came. The meatal doors creaking open gave you a start and you quickly jumped behind a nearby bush. You saw Damien and he was walking into the treeline and you decided to follow him. you kept up with him but managed to stay atleast twenty feet behind him untill you lost him you quitetly sighed and then turned "Its not polite to spy, beautiful" said a deep voice and then a mixture of pain and stars exploded in your skull.
  9. Well thats it for part 1. I would like to thank nataleegale and the Hogwarts love story for inspiring me... And I have a lot of things up my sleeve for part two!!!
  10. Email me at [no emails] if you want me to continiue and give me some of your ideas

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