Love in a nutshell

Hey there. Sorry of this quiz isn't great, but it's my firstv quiz. Rate it and tell me what you think.;). Please and thank you! P. S. Don't forget to taste this, please! Enjoy the quiz.

Are YOU a love guru? If you think so, take this quiz and find out if you have what it takes to get 75% and above, take this quiz and see what you get! But beware, you may not always like the answers you get!;)

Created by: Michaela Leibacj

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So you are walking through a park one day, when you meet someone really attractive. What do you do?
  2. They thank you for the compliment and invite you to walk home with them. You...
  3. You got their phone number and you are deciding whether or not to phone them. So you...
  4. You go on your first date with this person. What do you wear?
  5. They pass away and leave you 1 000 000 dollars. Do you
  6. What do you decide to do with the 1 000 000 dollars.
  7. You find a note on your bed from your lovers parents. on it it says,"You were good for our child. Please accept this 9 karrot diamond ring, necklace and bracelet." You decide to...
  8. You live life normally, but exactly a year after they died, you felt super terrible. You...
  9. You find someone else that loves you for who you are and they reminder you of...
  10. You get cancer on exactly the same day as _____. You...
  11. You get cancer on exactly the same day as _____. You...

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