Love Complications Pt 3

Hey guys welcome to part 3 of Love Complications! Finally! Sorry it was so late I had some technical and mental malfunctions. Anyway hope you like it and thanks to all who commented.

Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also put animes in the results for Cole, Axle, Raven, Damien and the new guy Daniel who is also a result. Sorry for any spelling mistakes too.

Created by: Bluebird
  1. *Recap* You found out Damien's a werewolf, Cole's a vampire, Axle's an angel and Raven's a nephilim just like you! Raven gave you his leather jacket and he walked yo to school, James, the popular kid, annoys you and you see your best friend Alys. You said you'd buy her a coffee and Cole excited the school. Then you bumped into the new guy David. Got it?
  2. "I'm E-Eliza." I said nervously. We'd only known each other for five seconds and I'm already falling head over heels for him! "Nice name." Why does everyone say that? Or a different phrase that means that. "T-Thanks." I could barely speak to him without stumbling over my own words. "Are you new?" I ask thinking it would be polite to show him around the school if he was. I could sense he was an ordinary human. So why is he being so nice to me and not calling me a freak? "Yea. I just moved here from the country. My dad had to move here cause of his work." "I know the feeling." Then I add quickly, "About moving and stuff." "Right." He says while giving me sly wink. "Ummm... Do you want to gotocoffeeafterschoolwithmeandafriend?" "Sorry I didn't catch that." He replies with a chuckle. I blushed bright red. "Well I owe this friend a coffee and I was wondering if you'd like to c-come along." "Uh yea sure." My face is a still a bright red colour. Then the bell rings and I rush to art class. When I get in the door I hear a couple of giggles around the class and a loud snicker. The classroom was oddly quiet with the exception of the giggles. I walk to my seat with my feet squeaking noisily below me. I sit next to James. Ugh! The slime! I took my seat and James put up his hand. "Yes James." The teacher called. "I was wondering if we could paint Eliza's face instead of a bowl of fruit. There wouldn't be much difference. Even the brain's the same." My eyes shot fire at James as I glared at him (not literally). Then one of his dumb fan girls crowed in. "But fruit don't have brains. Oh I get it!" "Dumb b****." I mumbled under my breath. "That's quit enough!" Shouted the teacher. "Your damn right that's enough! I'm fed up with this class and everyone in it!" Then I stormed out of the classroom without a glance back. When I was halfway down the corridor I heard a girl mutter to James. "She needs an anger management class." One of the advantages of super human hearing is you get to hear people insult you from miles away.
  3. I stormed to the place where I first met Axle and lay there in the shade. Suddenly sitting next to me was Axle. "Thinking of me." "Not really." But he talked over the top of you. "I wouldn't blame you if you were. I am pretty charming." "Like I said. I wasn't." But again he didn't let you finish. "Of course..." But this time you interrupted him. "Axle." "Hmmmm." "Shut up." "Whatever you say." "Well I say. Go away." I knew what Axle was now and I didn't hate him but I thought it would be best to stay away from him. Angles tend to think that nephilim are abominations and destroy them. "Why should I?" "Because you said whatever you say and this is what I say." "Still. I'd like a reason." "I just gave you a reason." "A proper reason." Then somebody interrupted your conversation. "Axle leave her alone."
  4. I turned my head up to see Damien. "What's it to you mutt?" "She said leave her alone and I wouldn't deny a lady her wishes." "Well..." "I know your not me cause frankly if you were I might actually like you." While they were bickering I heard a voice say, "Pssst! Eliza!" In a whisper. I looked over to see Raven standing by the gate. I ran over. "Thanks for giving me an escape." I say. "Why are you ditching class?" "Why are you ditching school?" "You have a good point there. Still got my leather jacket I see." "Yea, thanks by the way." "No problem." I put my hands on the gate and he held them there with his. "Well if your ditching class then there really is no reason to stay is there." He said, tempting me. "Let's go." I jumped over the gate and met him on the other side. "Let's go then." Said Raven.
  5. I was walking hand in hand with Raven along the sidewalk when a shoulder brushed past mine. "Oh sorry." Said the person as we turned to look at each other. Standing there on the sidewalk was Cole. He looked towards Raven and then at our clasped hands and frowned. "Hey Eliza. I guess you're busy." "Cole what were you doing out of the school anyway." "I was... visiting a friend." He looked like he just came up with the idea but I didn't pester him about it. "The question is what are YOU doing." He looked towards Ravens face again with a look of distaste and then turned back to me. "I ditched school. You got a problem with that?" "Yea I do." "Well deal! I don't see you in class." "That's different." "No it's not. You can't tell me not to ditch class if that's what you're doing too." I turned and stormed off still clasping hands with Raven. Then I blushed cause I probably looked very childish in front of him. "Sorry about that." I said while slowing to a normal pace. "It doesn't matter Eliza." "O-Ok." "So what have you been doing?" Raven asked me. "Not much. What about you?" "Not much." We kept on talking for ages until I looked at my watch. It was five minutes after I was supposed to meet Alys at my locker to go to the coffee shop. "Sorry I've got to go Raven." I said looking up at him. "I understand." He said pulling me towards him and kissing my forehead. "Don't have too much fun without me." Then he was gone and I was running as fast as I could and in an instant I was at my locker with a very confused looking Alys. "I forgot you could do that." She said getting over her confusion. "I hope you don't mind I invited someone else to come with us." "Of course I don't mind. Is it a guy? Is he your boyfriend? Is he hot?" She bombarded me with all these questions when suddenly I felt someone's breath on my neck. It ran shivers up my spine. "Hey Eliza." I turned and stumbled. Falling into Daniel. I regrettably jerked away. "I'm sorry I..." "No need to apologize Eliza.I don't mind." I was blushing bright red. "It's not everyday that I meet Eliza's boyfriend. I'm Alys." Said Alys extending her arm to give him a handshake which he accepted her hand and shook it. "Boyfriend ay. Is that what you told her." "I uh... n-no s-she just assumed like she always does." I replied, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. "What?! You would be a cute couple." She shouted across the hall for everyone to hear. "Lys shush!" "What you would." "I think so too." Said Daniel and then blushed when he realized he said it out loud. "Let's go get that coffee shall we." "Wait. Now we have to wait for my date." Said Alys. "You have a date?" I asked questioningly. "Well yea. I thought you wouldn't mind." "No I don't but who is it? Spill." Then someone stood beside Alys. "That would be me." I looked up and fell speechless when I saw Axle standing there.
  6. He looked up and saw me. I brushed off me feeling of shock and was now pissed off. "Axle." I said through gritted teeth with an edge to my voice. I turned away from them and said, "Let's just go already." We drove to the coffee shop in our own separate cars. We walked into the coffee shop and ordered our drinks. My shout of course. We sat down. Daniel was next to me. Alys next to Axle. I was across from Alys and Daniel was across from Axle. We got our drinks in silence and then Alys started chatting the way she usually does as if there's nothing wrong. Somehow I didn't feel right knowing Axle was at the table. I couldn't openly chat or anything that I usually do. I just stared down at my drink and drained it's contents. "You look distraught. Are you ok?" Asked Daniel as I hadn't talked since we got here. Not that I could get a word in with Alys here. "I-I'm fine." I mumbled. Suddenly your phone beeped with a text. It was from your mum. 'Eliza can you please come home. Your father, he is very stressed and you're not usually this late home. His work is taking a toll on him. I think maybe a family movie can help. Please come home. Mum xoxo' I texted that I'd be right there and turned to my friends. "I-I got to go." I mumbled and left the table. I walked to my car but before I got in someone caught my arm. "Eliza wait." I turned and saw Daniel. "What happened?" "I-It's nothing. I've got to go home." "Then I'm coming with you." He said adamantly. He wouldn't take no for an answer. "Alright then." We drove in our own separate cars. He just wanted to make sure I was safe. I think. I pulled into my driveway and got out. He hoped out of his car and rushed to my side as I reached the door. "Eliza thanks for inviting me. No matter how awkward it was." "No problem." I was about to open the door when he pulled me into his arms. He tilted my chin up and his lips pressed against mine. I was surprised at first but then I started kissing him back. God I'd only known him for a day but he was already imprinted on my mind. The feel of his gentle hands. His lips on mine. Suddenly there was a loud beep from what I assume was a car. We reluctantly pulled away and I looked to see my Mum in the getting out of her car. "Hey Mum." I said as she walked up the drive with a copy of Valentines Day and some snacks. "When I came home I wasn't expecting to see you kissing in the driveway. Well good for you. Is this your boyfriend?" She asked while pointing at Daniel. "It's nice to see you too mum and no he's not my boyfriend." I said blushing bright red as I realized my arms were still around him. I hurriedly pulled my arms back and I swore I heard a faint 'yet'. "Well would you like to watch a movie with us..." "Daniel." "Daniel? We're watching Valentines Day and maybe New Years Eve." "Sure why not. I'll help you with that." He said as he helped mum with her bags.
  7. I hoped inside and gave my dad a big hug. "Next time call when you're going to be late sweetie." "Sorry but I saw Alys today and I owed her a coffee." "Alys is a nice girl. Let's watch a movie then. Who's this?" He finished with as Daniel walked into the kitchen with the bags he was carrying. He set them down and replied, "Daniel." We sat down on the couches and ended up watching the two movies. Through which I was curling up to Daniel and nuzzling his neck as he had his arms around me. When the credits came on for New Years Eve, the door bell rang and I got up to get it. Daniel came with me. I opened the door to see Alys and Axle standing there. Alys just popped inside without even asking and before Axle could come in I slammed the door in his face. "Are you ok Eli?" "I'm fine Lys." "No you're not. Don't lie to me. What is your problem with Axle?" "What problem?" "Eli. You slammed the door in his face! You've been acting grumpy ever since he showed up! You won't talk to him or look at him and you refuse to be in the same room as him for more than 10 minutes!What have you possibly got against him?! It looks like you're just being unfair!" "Well I'm sorry for not liking your fancy pants, a**hole, angel boyfriend!" I looked up from the floor I was staring at and realized that Daniel was standing there and I probably looked like the weirdest person on earth. No scratch that, the universe! Here I am ranting off about angels for goodness sake! I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door shut after me as I threw myself onto the bed. 5 seconds later I heard a knock on the door and Alys's voice coming through. "Eli I'm sorry. I didn't realize. D-Does he know?" "I don't think so but I'd prefer not to find out." She opened the door and bounded in. "Eliza I'm sorry."
  8. "Oh damn Daniel's still downstairs." I mumbled as I almost tripped down the stairs. I found him standing on the first step. I touched the floor with my foot, lightly and then put my full weight on it. I looked up at Daniel who was getting down from the steps, "I'm sorry, you probably think I'm a complete lunatic." But somehow he didn't look shocked. "It's fine. There are weirder out there." You just couldn't shake off the feeling that he was hiding something but you just didn't know what. You opened the door for Alys and saw Axle still standing there like he never left. You snuggled into Daniel's arms while trying your best not to run up the stairs or burst into fits of anger but somehow Daniel calmed you down just by his touch. Alys skiped out the door but Axle didn't say a word. I looked up at Daniel to see pure hatred in his eyes as he looked at Axle. I closed the door after Alys had hoped into her car. I heard a faint, "See ya at school." Come from the doorway as Daniel and I walked to the kitchen to eat some food.
  9. Hey guys I'm going to cut it off there. Again I'm sorry this is so late but I had a lot of problems. Thanks to all of the people who have commented on my quizzes and if you're into HP check out my quiz series Hogwarts Is Such A Complicating Place... Hope you liked it. Love y'all! Comment & Rate 10!!!
  10. Again thnx guys. Love y'all!

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