Lordi: do you know them?

Do you know lordi the greatest rockers in the world? Do you have what it takes to survive the arockalypse? Do you know lordi? well do you PUNK? didnt think so!

Do you know lordi? well do you PUNK? Do you know lordi? well do you PUNK? Do you know lordi? well do you PUNK? Do you know lordi? well do you PUNK? Do you know lordi? well do you PUNK?

Created by: Danian
  1. O.k lets start easy who is the lead singer of lordi?
  2. What year did Lordi win Eurovision?
  3. Which of these isnt a lordi song?
  4. What country do Lordi come from?
  5. Which Of these is the real lyrics to hard rock hallelujah?
  6. What is the name of lordi's only female member (as of 2009)
  7. What is the rest of the film satrring lordi's title "Dark...
  8. Devil is a loser is from
  9. What is mr.lordi's real name?
  10. What was the name of lordi's 2006 album?
  11. When was mr lordi born?

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Quiz topic: Lordi: do I know them?