LOL r u random?

space bar lol. so hi, bye. u can take this quiz, and yhea, enjoy ok? ok. lolz i have to have 150 caracters in this, so yea, uhm, yep... still more to go,done.

here i m again. "and the donkey looks at her and said, PURPLE HAT! ahahaha! lol stupid joke, i dont even know, your so funny! lol sorry just bored. lol

Created by: emobabydoll22

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. a cow in a space ship flies down and lands next to you. what do you do?
  2. yer mom comez home frum work or wuteva and says she just saw a double rainbow.
  3. ever heard of thecomputernerd01 on youtube?
  4. do you eat poisonous fish on a regular basis?
  5. what is your fave way to say skitlez rock?
  6. whats your fave animal?
  7. fave color?(doesnt count)
  8. fave #
  9. two more mk?
  10. fave face
  11. ok, so do you lyk me?(im a girl!)

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