Are you a sun buffalo?

Havent you sat in class, or on a friend, or on a couch, wondering if you are a sun buffalo?(random person: YES, OF COURSE!) well, do you want to find out?

(random person:OF COURSE!!!) Well take this quiz to find out!!!! (randoom peron: thank you so much!!! Now i can f...) okay, shut up now random person!

Created by: Octoberpuppylove

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you feel right now?
  2. Wht is your favorite color?
  3. How is life?
  4. What is your favorite song?
  5. Is it true that happiness is everywhere?
  6. Are you 100% happy right now?
  7. What color do you feel?
  8. Okay the rest of the questions dont count.
  9. Speak my language
  10. Yo
  11. End of quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a sun buffalo?