List Of Friends 1

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I have a lot of friends. And I decided, "DARKNESS YOU MUST START A 22 FRIENDS LIST GAME BY QUIZES!" So, if you think you're my friend, you have to look at this and check.

I have a lot of friends. There will, however, be a part two. So don't worry, friends~ If you don't believe me, you have to wait and check. I will get it done.

Created by: amazon
  1. This took a long moment to decide, but my first friend has to be Hephaestuschild.
  2. Another long moment; The Coldest Sun.
  3. Moments later.....Selena112.
  4. Zeronightshade~
  5. Emmajamme~
  6. Carri04~
  7. CherryBombRiots~
  8. VegeKaka~
  9. Moyashi~
  10. Rockstar98~
  11. Home Gurl~
  12. StitchedHeart~
  14. Kitty1802~
  15. Mia is Silence~
  16. tenten16~
  17. Viktor~
  18. Sage Parson~
  19. Rese~
  20. Anri~

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