Lets get to know me better!

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Ok so I guess its just another day of torture with my quizzes! Lol I'm so weirdddd but it runs in my genes hahahaha Wut No just no Mistillia, why did you have to be so stupid (ranting at myself)

Yup, so just find out a few more random facts about me. Just take the quiz already! I'll be waiting on the other side! Jk jk jk. Do it now. I'm ridiculously preposterously bored.

Created by: Mistyraindrops
  1. Yup so there are still a few things I wanna cover.
  2. I am scared of spiders :0
  3. My real name is Mistillia but let's just shorten it to Misty its way better...
  4. I am quite weird irl
  5. You see, I have these um weird things that I like
  6. For one, I sometimes get hyper at random times :0
  7. I like bridges :)
  8. I like unicorns :)
  9. I like ceilings?!
  10. Bye...

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