Let's See, Let's See......

A lot of people know me, but not too many people really knnnoooowww me. To ace this quiz you need a clever mind and a good insight on who I really am.

Are YOU one of those people who knnnnoooow me? Take this little quizy quiz and lets check it out. Dont worry too much about it or take it too seriously.

Created by: Shay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Lets start off easy.....my eyes are....?
  2. My signature drink is....?
  3. But what I find myself drinking the most is....?
  4. My weakness is the opposite sex?
  5. My favorite condiment?
  6. Number of peircings?
  7. My favorite movie is....
  8. At a party I can usually be found....
  9. What usually happens when I get too drunk....
  10. What country have I wanted to visit since I was little?
  11. My favorite kind of food is...

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