Kindergarten Test

So. If you can do this test, you are truly a true Moron-Genius. We don't know b/c we're dealing with kindergarteners here. So... I don't have anything else to say right now.

Are you smarter than a pre-schoooler? Here, is not the place to find out. Because you're dealing with kindergarten. Kindergarten is for babies. I'm bored right now.

Created by: Frankie
  1. (This question doesn't count) Are you ready?
  2. If Judith has six apples, and she gives 2 away, how many will she have left?
  3. Please fill in the correct answer: Manny _____ a jelly sandwich
  4. Name 1 type of rock: Sedimentary, Oralfanohs, or packadonia.
  5. What did Fredrick Mohs develope?
  6. So, finish this theme song "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea, ______, absorbant and yeller and porris is he, _______!
  7. Who is George Clooney?
  8. Let's waste some time!
  9. let's do it again!
  10. what was the second question I asked you?

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