Keepin' You...part five

Created by: katanasky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Tyler and you run back to the cave. In the distance you can hear gunshots which suddenly stop. Your stomach drops... it could either mean that he is running and stopped shooting... or something worse. Tyler grabs a gun when you see something running through the forest. He squints through the eyepiece and takes aim, his finger finding it's way to the trigger. Suddenly, you have an instinct! (I know right?) and you ram into Tyler, knocking him down and the bullet flying off into space. His eyes grow wide and he stares at you. "It's Caleb..." you start but are cut off by another voice. "What the hell Tyler, you tried to shoot me!" he shouts, out of breath. Now Tyler is certifiably freaked. His blue eyes go even wider. "OMG, I didn't mean to," he starts. "Shove it," Caleb snaps, picking up the gun quickly and wheeling around in time to shoot a zombie. You decide that now is a good time to get off Tyler. He tries to hide a blush and shoves you in the cave. He grabs a gun and for a half hour he and Caleb shoot off zombies. You wish you could help but you know you would just waist ammo and distract them. So you hide and watch.
  2. You sigh with relief when they come into the cave and sit down on either side of you. You really can't take this anymore... the hiding, the tension, the zombies most of all. Caleb takes your hand the same time Tyler does. You can see their eyes lock. This is such a place to be in. You stand up and pull your hands out of theirs. "Are they all gone?" you ask. Caleb nods silently, not meeting your eyes. "Tyler, I need to talk to you," Caleb says. Tyler sends a quick look at you but Caleb shakes his head. Tyler follows him outside. The smell is becoming overpowering so you walk further into the cave. You had grabbed a solar powered flashlight that Tyler had given you. It's dark and you are a little jumpy. Then you see, etched into the walls... your name... over and over again. You recognize Micheal's handwriting... you'd know that scrawl anywhere, and you see the other boys' handwriting. When you recognize Caleb's... it's poetry. You didn't think he was the poetic type. You then decide to do something. Besides every boy's carving, you etch "I love you," you didn't know it then, but that was a mistake... somehow you thought that it would make them feel better.
  3. "---?" You hear Caleb's voice calling you about an hour later. It must've been at least that much because the flashlight is going dim. "Hey ---, are you okay?" he asks you. You switch the flashlight off and set it down. You notice Tyler is rolling up the sleeping bags. "What's going on?" You ask Caleb. "We're moving..." Caleb says. You swallow. "Why?!" you say. "Do you want to move the 75 zombies out there because I sure don't," Caleb says. "But what about Micheal... and Riley?" you ask. "We can't wait for them, we don't even know if..." Caleb slices his words off and avoids your eyes. "---?" Tyler asks hesitantly. "Yeah?" "Can you help my tie this one?" he asks.
  4. So you and Tyler and Caleb start hiking to a place where he says his grandpa used to take him. You glance back, wondering how Micheal and Riley are going to find you... wondering if Micheal and Riley are still alive... and wondering why the world had to get so damn messed up.
  5. I've run out of ideas for this chapter.
  6. So, here's the deal. I make one every day except Saturdays, I might make one on Saturday night, but otherwise, sunday-friday. Got it?
  7. So, what color do you like?
  8. Am I good at this?
  9. Rate?
  10. Comment?
  11. Should I make another tonight?

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