Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg Ideology Test

This is a quiz for the ten distinct ideologies for the mod of the video game, Hearts of Iron 4, Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, a mod that has existed since the days of Hearts of Iron 2.

The question is are you a populist Authoritarian Democrat, a federative Syndicalist, or a traditionalist Social Conservative? Find out on this quiz. Thank the Kaiserreich devs for making the mod.

Created by: Paul Dangerbuff
  1. What is your ideal economic policy?
  2. How should leaders be chosen?
  3. How involved such a government be in people's daily lives?
  4. How strict should be the government?
  5. Who would you vote for in the 1936 United States Elections?
  6. What should the government be?
  7. Choose a moto
  8. What faction would you support in the 2nd Weltkrieg?
  9. Every man a King?
  10. What ideology do you consider yourself?

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