justin biebers fan daja

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my quiz is about telling you all to give justin biebersome space and not think about hime every time you go see him just let him come to you and speak to you

please dont feel bad about your results i just love people who respect him and dont threaten him if he does not want to speak to you he may have had a tough day and he is tired

Created by: daja weaver, beaufort sc
  1. what would you do if justin bieber came to your house?
  2. what is justins favorite color?
  3. what does justin do in his free time?
  4. what is his hair color?
  5. who dos he write most of his songs about?
  6. how old is justin bieber?
  7. how old will he be in 22 years?
  8. how many girlfriends have he had?
  9. will he get married ,if yes to who?
  10. attention everyone justin bieber needs his own space not to have fans run to him and beg for a picture the reason i made this quiz is so he knows that someone cares about him not just because of his body and face but because he is the best person on this earth i would do anything to spend a month with him so i juust want him to know me daja weaver really cares about him not just because he is famous because he is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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