just shapes and beats quiz

This is a quiz about the game Just Shapes And Beats!!You win if you take all of the correctly!!!!Good luck!!Get ready to win this quiz and be the best!

Guess all of them correct to win!!!If you lose,its not my fault that you are that bad(lol)But you can retake it and win !!So yeah,lets just begin now!

Created by: CubeyPVP
  1. Who is the sad cube?
  2. Where does the sad cube get corrupted?
  3. Whhich one of these is the hardest level/boss?
  4. Who is the most known boss?
  5. Who is the protagonist?
  6. Who is the first friend you make in your way?
  7. Which one gets corrupted first?
  8. Who has the longest boss battle fight?
  9. Where do you find your 3rd friend(the helicopter)?
  10. What is the most popular part of Close To Me(sad cube's theme)?

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