Jonas Brothers quiz

There are so called jonas brothers fans out there, but only true fans. Fans are people who like somebody, someone such as singers, actors,etc. I Know I'm a fan Of Them!

Are you a true Jonas Brothers Fan? Do you have enough Courage To take this test and become a true fan? When You Take this test you will know what a true fan feels like!

Created by: Maya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whose is the youngest Jonas in the band?
  2. When Is Nick's Birthday?
  3. What was the name of there first CD.
  4. Are The Jonas Brothers Playing In The Disney Channel Games?
  5. Do You Think Nick's Cute?
  6. What Is The Best Song The Jonas Brothers Written?
  7. Does Nick Sing The Song "A Little Bit Longer" By Himself?
  8. Where Was Nick Jonas Born?
  9. When you look me in the eyes i catch a glimpse of _____
  10. A little bit longer and i'll be _____

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