Is your Crush The One???

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Do you stress at night, wondering if you even have a chance with your crush? Well fear not because i'm going to help you today! Take this free quiz and see if it's fate!

When this quiz is over, you will soon find true love! You have everything it takes and I know it! If you have love in your heart please take the time to do this quiz! Anyway, with out farther a-do, ON TO THE QUIZ!!!!

Created by: Amira Zod
  1. First of all, I do not know you, your crush, Etc. So when taking this quiz keep an open mind?
  2. How popular are you??
  3. What do you feel when he/she walks past?
  4. Do you ever make eye contact???
  5. Has he/she ever been directly mean to you or a friend?
  6. Do you ever talk just to talk as friends or even more?
  7. Has they ever dated before?
  8. Do they show any attraction to you?
  9. Are you attracted to the same gender?
  10. Are you in the same friend group/ just as popular as each-other?
  11. Has They every gave you a compliment?(Your pretty, Your so funny, etc.)
  12. Do you find yourself pretty?( This is about self confidence, not looks!)
  13. Do you have many things in command?
  14. What is your mental state?
  15. LAST QUESTION! Do you think he has a crush back?
  16. BONUS QUESTION! If you complimented someone at school, what would they say?

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Quiz topic: Is my Crush The One???
