Is he the one? (very accurate)

Hello!!!! So you want to know that is your crush the one for you or not hmmmmm. We all have crushes and some people are lucky because they get to share a relationship with their crush maybe as friends or more than that and some people show courage and tell their feelings agree????

This quiz is based on my personal experience and i hope it will give you your answer and please tell me about my quiz in the comments so enjoy the quiz and best of luck...!!

Created by: Aira

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do he look at you?
  2. Do you people talk?
  3. Do you love him?
  4. Do you think he loves you?
  5. What does he do when you catch him looking at you?
  6. How tall is he,you?
  7. Does his girlfriend hate you?
  8. Does he know that you exist?
  9. What is your favourite colour?
  10. Will you rate and comment? (no effect)
  11. Will you be able to live without him? (no effect)
  12. Have anyone cracked a joke about him liking you?
  13. Bye.....

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