Is he/she your bff

Do you know what a best friend forever is? It's a best friend to last a lifetime or forever. the saying "Best Friends are like four leaf clovers hard to find but lucky to have" is true.

Do you have someone who's always there for you, such as a best friend? You may never know. Wait with this quiz in just a few quick minutes you can find out

Created by: Sierrah

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does your friend get you for your birthday?
  2. How much do you fight?
  3. Would you want to live in the same house?
  4. Are you anything like your bff?
  5. What does your friend do when you get a boy friend?
  6. Does your friend get along with your other friends?
  7. Does your friend purposely embarace you?
  8. Does your friend constantly try to be around you?
  9. What is the best present your friend has ever got you?
  10. What did your friend do on your birthday?

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Quiz topic: Is he/she my bff