Is He Crushing On You?

I've created this quiz to help those girls that can't tell if the person they like, likes them back. It is sometimes difficult to tell if the guy you like likes you back.

Most girls are confused in knowing if a guy likes her or not. Some guys show their feelings but others try to hide because their afraid of getting rejected.

Created by: NerdyMe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Please be honest. Does your crush know that you exist?
  2. Do you find him staring at you?
  3. Do you guys talk often?
  4. Have you guys hung out alone?
  5. Has he told you any of his secrets?
  6. Have you guys ever made body contact?
  7. How much is the age difference between you guys?(doesn't effect score results)
  8. Has he ever stood up for you?
  9. Does he get jealous when you talk with another guy?
  10. Be honest. Are doing this quiz based on you and a celebrity? (Harry Styles,Justin Bieber etc)

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