Does he like me?

Everyone like somebody, take this quiz to see if that "somebody" likes you back (: an honest, down-to-earth, good answer quiz. Maybe you'll find out things you've never noticed about yourself before...

SO. Do you like a person? (specificlly for girls) because good advice and a clue is just one ckick away! TAKE THE QUIZ. YOU'LL ENJOY IT (: TRUST ME. g'head!

Created by: jaz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you know him?
  2. When he sees you, what's his intial reaction? (:
  3. When you make your way over to talk to him, does he starts to lighten up? (:
  4. Have you seen him check you out? (:
  5. How many times total, do you think he has snuck a few peeks at you when you wern't looking? (:
  6. Does he try to keep the conversation alive when you talk to him? (:
  7. Does he laugh with you or at you...? I hope you know there's a difference... just saying (:
  8. Does his zodiac sign get along with your's?
  9. Do you have his number? What's the convo's like? (:
  10. Last question! Ready? What's your reaction to seeing him? (:

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