Intercultural Attitudes

Being an effective educator in todays classrooms demands intercultural competence, one dimension of which involves your own personal cultural attitudes.

Take this 30 question survey in order to get a better understanding of your own intercultural attitudes as an educator. Final scores are given based on levels of agreement with the statements. The more honest you are, the more meaningful the results. However, the results are not meant to rank or to judge but rather to indicate your own areas of intercultural competence that are strong as well as those in need of further development.

Created by: Leanne Doiron of Culture Check
(your link here more info)
  1. I feel very little anxiety in a diverse, intercultural setting
  2. I feel that welcoming students of diverse backgrounds will enrich and enhance my classroom through their unique experiences and skills
  3. I feel that members of my own culture are equally responsible for deviant behaviour or crime as are other cultures
  4. I feel that members of other cultures are as intelligent and capable as members of my own culture
  5. I feel and accept that culture shock is a natural reaction to difference and am willing to anticipate it
  6. I feel that other cultures should not be expected to change by adapting mainstream norms
  7. I feel that becoming aware of other cultures can help me to better understand my own
  8. I feel that neither I nor my students should ever feel embarrassed or ashamed by their cultural practices and/or background
  9. I feel that specific/personal moral principles are as significant as universal or general moral principles
  10. I feel genuinely curious about the values and norms of other cultures
  11. I feel that the world is made better because we are not all the same
  12. I feel that I could completely identify with or internalize the worldview of more than one culture
  13. I feel that my own beliefs and goals can be legitimately challenged by someone of another culture
  14. I feel willing to be self-reflexive and questioning when it comes to my own beliefs
  15. I feel that indigenous themes and ways of knowing have an important place in the mainstream classroom
  16. I feel that non-standard English and dialects are a legitimate form of language and communication
  17. I feel it is essential that we know and care about what happens outside of our own country and culture
  18. I feel that to effectively teach to the needs of my students, I must become aware of their multiple lived worlds and relationships outside of the classroom
  19. I feel that my teacher training and courses have adequately prepared me to teach in the context of a diverse, multicultural classroom
  20. I feel comfortable expressing elements of my own culture and beliefs to those who have not encountered it
  21. I feel that students demonstrate social competence or effective interaction in a culturally distinct manner, even if they are not perceived to be verbally expressive, assertive, or independent
  22. I feel that I am patient, caring, and willing to learn from and with my students of diverse backgrounds
  23. I feel proud to live in a country that welcomes immigrants
  24. I feel that I identify with my global or trans-national community and organizations as much or more than I identify with my local or national community
  25. I feel that my classroom is an environment where all students are free to take risks without fear of judgement or humiliation
  26. I feel that students who struggle with the mainstream language and culture should still be included in the classroom with their peers
  27. I feel that minority students should be allowed to use their first language in the classroom
  28. I feel that students and staff should be fairly considered for positions of leadership and involvement regardless of their cultural beliefs or ethnic background
  29. I feel that racism and discrimination, whether explicit or implicit, should be addressed and discussed in early years classrooms
  30. I feel it is not possible for teachers to avoid their own cultural bias or assumptions, and it is essential to be open about your own misunderstandings with students

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