Inspiring Quotes Pt.3

hello, you hopefully clicked on this quiz with the full intention of reading it and learing from it. If not then i hope you do. In any case whenevr you feel low, remember your not as alone as you feel. There are always kind people you just have to look around you.

Smile and keep your head held high. Love the way you are. if people have a problem with the way you are,they can deal with it themselves. because you shouldnt change yourself. you are you and face it.. would it really be better to be any one else?

Created by: ILuvHolister

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "Sometimes guys you like push you away,not because they hate you,but because they think your way to good for them." -?
  2. "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."-?
  3. "We have a choice to live or to exist." -Harry Styles
  4. "Its cool to be a dork."-Justin Bieber
  5. "silence is better then bullsh**."-?
  6. "Dont let fear rule your life." -Phineas and Ferb
  7. "sometimes you look at the glass as half full, other times its half empty and for some really extraordinary people they see it as full of pee everyday of their lives. Cuzz thats just how awesome they are."-Me,IluvHolister,copyright
  8. "life is like an amusement park. You can deal with all the ups and downs or let one twist make you never ride a rollercoaster again." -Me,IluvHolister
  9. "I have this theory. That one act of kindness,no matter how small can start a chain reaction of the same."-Rachel Joy Scott
  10. "Dont care what others think. Cuz at the end of the day you will be you, and your flaws are yours alone. And no attitude adjustment or makeover can change that."-?
  11. "Never look back reminising on yesterday,smile for the future tomorrows a new day." -Zayn malik

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