Immortal notice

Hey peoples! this is Cheese1234 from the "my love life," "Forbidden Love," and the new, "Immortal" series. I just wanted to let you know that part 8 of the Immortal series is out.

So, i know you guys don't pay much attention to my quizzes because i take waay too long to put them out. i understand that, but finals are up, and it's not much of a difference to you. but i will be posting as many as i can this summer. Part 9 is in the process of making and will be out soon. thank you!

Created by: Cheese1234
  1. hey guys!
  2. just wanna let you know about the quizzes
  3. part 7 and 8 of my immortal Series is out
  4. please look up my account- Cheese1234
  5. it has all the quizzes i have created
  6. so please check it out
  7. part 9 will be out soon
  8. summer vacation is coming soon, know what that means?
  9. it means i'm going to have more time to write the stories. hope im just as excited as you are.
  10. cool, so thank you for reading this! don't forget to check out part 8 of "Immortal." part 9 is coming out soon

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