i will predict your age

i will use my awesome powers i have had since childhood to predict your age and you will be amazed when you get your results. if i am not right you can send me an email at idontcareatgmail.com

]. i hope i will get many satisfied people commenting on my quiz. if you like it you can send me encouraging messages at [no emails]. so sorry if i get your age wrong but i wont unless you cheat so ha ha

Created by: bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ARE YOU..
  2. are you very bored with this quiz?
  3. i am bored and mad at this 12 question thing
  4. i am wasting space so bear with me, how bout you tell me a story
  5. what ended in 1896
  6. to change centimeters to meters you..
  7. how do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
  8. how do you put a hippo in the fridge?
  9. a plane has 200 bricks in it and one falls out how many are left
  10. you just realized i was wasting your time and you...

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Quiz topic: I will predict my age