
This quiz is about me. The life and times of such. I think it will be fun to take as it was fun to make. Hopefully, you will learn a little something new about me along the way that you may have already know but forgotten or not have know at all.

This quiz will help to rate how I'mSHELdiferous you are. I think you will have fun with it. Please do try. If you are a perfectionist and don't want to cheat. You can ask my sister or many of my friends to help you with answers. Someone undoubtedly will already know an answer to the question.

Created by: Shelly
  1. What is my first name?
  2. What form of "molded" plastic did I used to sell?
  3. Growing up, as a very young girl, what was my favorite thing to do on a Friday night?
  4. What was "my" sport in high school?
  5. What did we name our ghost?
  6. Who did I have my younger sister convinced slept in our bathtub?
  7. How old was I when I smoked my first cigarette?
  8. What is the name of my Teddy bear?
  9. What was my first vehicle?
  10. What was the "theme" of the seat covers in my vehicle?
  11. Who taught me how to ride my bike?
  12. What am I afraid of?
  13. When I was in kindergarten a boy hit me first so I...
  14. In college, who were my Pledge Pops?
  15. Who did I go to my Senior prom with?
  16. When we went camping when I was in middle school how did my leg get burnt?
  17. What is my favorite thing to eat with chocolate (other than more chocolate)?
  18. When I eat at Wendy's what do I dip my fries in?
  19. What did I fill our basement with in Darlington that my dad made me clean up?
  20. Someone other than family once named something after me...what was it?
  21. I found a very old head to a China doll when I was three. Where did I find it?
  22. My older sister and I got very very sick off of something when we were younger. To this day neither of us can eat anything that reminds us of it. What was it?
  23. If I moved from Indiana where would I move?
  24. In high school, I was in a peer tutor class and the teacher got me out of my class to come help with a student. He hurt me when I was helping....how?

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