I'm a liar and a horrible person.

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I have done something very wrong and bad in my life. Something that I can just sense it, that I know, I will regret in further days. I feel like my whole life is falling apart because of this.

Can you help me? Please, I am begging you. I need help, guide and assistance. I know that you are just a random stranger over the internet, but I really do need some guidance.

Created by: Samantha
  1. Recently, my family and I have moved to Florida. I have started a new school. The main focus of the school is sports. Now, I'm not entirely into sports but my parents enrolled me there because it's the closest, rather than any other school, which is miles away. For the first few days, it's been horrible... walking around like the "new girl" and a loner. I'm terribly shy.
  2. Then suddenly, I tried to fit in with the rest of the students in the school. Guess what I did? Yes, I lied. I lied by trying to fit in. Since it was a sport school, most of the students there are really sporty. At lunch I tried sitting next to a group of girls in the cafeteria. They were nice, we talked for a bit, told them about my family, which was the truth, not lies, but then, I started making up a huge lie about how I play for a football club team. I told them about all of the positions, even said I played for Division 2, and they were all shocked, gobsmacked and impressed. They all accepted me into their social circle after I lied to them about that.
  3. Yes, I know I did a really bad thing. I just wanted to impress them and try to fit in. You know what, after I stepped back and looked at what I have done, I realized that I didn't want to start a new friendship with a lie! Now I'm just stuck and I don't know what to do.
  4. I'm scared that the girls will find out. Chances are, that they are so impressed that they have told almost everyone in the class. If they find out that it's a lie, they won't trust me anymore, it will ruin my reputation and worst of all, I won't have any friends anymore!
  5. Please don't rub it into me that what I have done is bad and wrong. Yes, I know it is but this isn't the real me. I haven't let out my true colors yet, I have let out the complete opposite.
  6. All I ask for is advice. I do feel a little better because I have let out all my thoughts and feelings about my situation on net.
  7. I really do hope that you can help me.
  8. No, I haven't told my Mom yet. But if I did, she would be plenty mad!
  9. All I am asking is help...
  10. Thank You and please help, maybe in comments if you can.

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