How horrible is your life?

Some people's lives are awesome! Some people's lives are great. Some people's lives are good. Some people's lives are average. Some people's lives are harsh. Some people's lives are simply horrible.

How horrible is your life? Are you one of the lucky ones? Are you one of the ones who have the most horrible, awful, terrible life? Let us pray you have a great life!!!

Created by: Amber

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you abused? If so by whom?
  2. Do you have a disorder or anything like that?
  3. Has a family member/someone close to you died?
  4. If you answered yes to the previous question then how long ago did this person/persons die?
  5. Have you ever experienced a traumatic event?
  6. What was your childhood like?
  7. What were your parents/guardians like while you were growing up?
  8. Do you self harm yourself or overdose on pills?
  9. Have you ever attempted to commit suicide?
  10. Are you glad this test is over?
  11. Are you glad this test is over?
  12. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How horrible is my life?