I'll make u have fun!!lol u know its me

Well u are bored today and you aint havin some fun. take my quiz lol to have fun!! AND PUKE! So yah puking is super duper grose whatsoever but u cant change it at all

You need to have some fun. but puking ant fun. well we all puke many days so u cant change this. i need u to have the time of your boring world life every day

Created by: Kaylien
  1. How are u?
  2. Lets have a conversation! Wanna have one
  3. What color is your eye
  4. How old are u
  5. Now lets do something: get a glass of water put all your fav beverages inside
  6. What does it taste like
  7. like the quiz
  8. Will u rate
  9. Is the quiz fun? The point of this is to have fun also i will guess how much fun u had
  10. Do u know how to sneak
  11. on a scale of 1 to 8 how is it
  12. The fun will soon be over!!!
  13. are u a noob
  14. Are u social
  15. We are almost done. So mix any type of yogurt and carrots and pepsi and blend it
  16. We are almost done. So mix any type of yogurt and carrots and pepsi and blend it
  17. Taste it
  18. give it to somebody
  19. do u like it
  20. is the quiz grose
  21. last one: do your friends like it

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