I can guess how much length is your hair?

There are many people with different length of hair. Don't worry if you dint got correct length of your hair. I might have done mistake. OK so see you!!!

Will you get same length as you have? Lets see in this quiz!!! Lets go into the world of this quiz, do you notice funny and interesting. Just close your eyes think about it and then open your eyes and don't do it so seriously or you will not have fun by doing this quiz.

Created by: Ayesha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. After bathing how long it takes you to dry your hair with hairdryer?
  2. when you are combing you hair how long it takes?
  3. when your are tying a plaid in your hair how long it takes?
  4. hey
  5. think your at any busy market does it becomes hard to carry your hair?
  6. if you want to do your work fast does it takes you very much time?
  7. are you allowed to grow your hair?
  8. bye
  9. do you like this quiz?
  10. if its not the same length, do not worry.

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Quiz topic: I can guess how much length is my hair?