I can guess how many siblings you have!

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Hey GTQ users do you think that I can guess how many siblings you have. Your answer may be "No". But in this quiz it is possible. Come on and take this quiz. Good luck.

This quiz is very useful for you. You may find it very interesting. If you have brothers and sisters then you are most welcome to my quiz. If you have no then please go out.

Created by: Nazifur Rohman
  1. Take the number of brothers that you have. If no then take 0.(Example:If you have 2 brothers then take 2.)
  2. Add 3 to your answer.(Example:If you have 2 brothers then 2+3=5)
  3. Multiply your answer by 5.(Example:If your answer was 5 then 5*5=25)
  4. Add 20 to your answer.(Example:If your answer was 25 then 25+20=45)
  5. Multiply your answer by 2.(Example:If your answer was 45 then 45*2=90)
  6. Add the number of sisters you have (own) (Example:If you have 2 sister then 90+2=92)
  7. Add 1 to your answer.(Example:If your answer was 92 then 92+1=93)
  8. Have you done all correctly? If not,then check again.
  9. Now,subtract 1 from the last digit to get the number of sisters.(Example:If your answer was 93 then subtract 1 from the last digit i.e. 3-1=2)
  10. Now, subtract 7 from the first digits and you will get the number of brothers.(Example:If your answer was 93 then take the first digit and subtract 7 from it i.e. 9-7=2)
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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