How young do u act

are you cool just come here to my quiz.this is so great this is so great this is so great this is so great this is so great this is so great this is so great this is so great in the world

are you the best of the best are you the best of the best are you the best of the best are you the best of the best are you the best of the best are you the best of the best are you the best of the bestare you the best of the best

Created by: alex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you know where babies come from?
  2. Do you drink!?
  3. What school do u go to, college,high school,primary school, university or job.
  4. Do u go to night clubs???
  5. have u got a boy friend,girl friend
  6. what!
  7. are you bored yet
  8. just 3 more
  9. do you have a baby
  10. did u like it

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