How You think the world will end!

How likeley is the world to be destryoed quite likeley for you apparently. you must be sucidal or something. i wonder what you got zombies or if your religious then god might kill you but i think the world going to blown up by russia.

you live a peaceful life. how fun it would be to mess that up. i really want to do that mess up your peacful sububan life with a bomb or something but thats why there are laws so ppl like me can't get bombs but it never hurts to try.

Created by: Forrest

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were sitting on a bench and you saw an old woman feeding birds would you ...
  2. if the world was suddenly taken over by aliens would you...
  3. Do like this quiz so far?
  4. Do you like burger king or macdonalds i go for burger king myself
  5. are you married
  6. would you date me?
  7. is your last name negele? do you know anyones last name to be negele?
  8. what kind of backpack do you have if you have one
  9. how far is the nearest gun shop from your house
  10. what would you do if you saw a tidal wave of acid coming at you?

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