How will you react?

Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it-Lou Holtz. Have you ever wonder how you react in a catastrophe?

Hi I'm Joseph and I'm going to help you with that. Remember that the answers selected are not intended to be bad nor good. So how would you react?

Created by: Joseph

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are late to a wedding and you left your phone at home. All of a sudden a car falls of a bridge and into a freezing bay. It is possible to save the passengers in time but you may die from hypothermia after you save the last passenger. How would you react?
  2. You are stranded a the island with a stranger. Both you and the stranger are starving. As you were looking for food you were able to catch a small minnow. Who should you give it to?
  3. Your at the store and you see a shady figure walk in and you see a gun in his pocket what do you do?
  4. A residential building caught on fire.
  5. What is (10X4) + (8-2) equal to.
  6. Did you do the problem?
  7. Did you laugh at question 5 answers
  8. I'm sorry for getting off track
  9. You see a dollar pick it up what would you do
  10. You know that just because the results show either answer doesn't mean your bad. You can pick a coupon

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Quiz topic: How will I react?