How will you get spanked

Thank you for being able to take this quiz I had fun doing it and in the comments you can give more ideas. I also am glad that you r prepared for this quiz. Hope u like it have a great day.

Are you a person who been bad then come on down and see how u get yo butt whooped! Have fun I hope you do good I guess welll Why is u still here take the damn quiz already. Well have fun!

Created by: Lily
  1. What did you do???
  2. Who is spanking you??
  3. Do you like this quiz
  4. Are you gay/lesbian
  5. Are you here for a reason?
  6. What will happen after you get spanked
  7. What's my name
  8. How many times have u got spanked
  9. (Random) r u a nose digger
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How will I get spanked