How Well Will You Fare In Life?

This is an informative quiz to find out how you may fare in life based on the answers to these questions. This isn’t a guarantee you will end up one way or another, but it will be interesting to see how you place in this quiz.

There are only two results. In answering these questions accurately, either of these results may prove to be true. In the likelihood that the results are not true, consider yourself going against the grain.

Created by: Wise
  1. Would you ever consider skydiving if you haven’t gone before? If you have, would you do it again?
  2. If you had to deliver a speech to a group of people on a subject you are an expert at, could you do it without messing up?
  3. Would you eat a worm for $20?
  4. Would you ever travel to space?
  5. If you and your best friend were being attacked by a bear, would you still try to outrun your friend?
  6. Have you ever made up an excuse to get out of a meeting?
  7. Snowboarding or surfing?
  8. Have you ever been a project lead?
  9. If you could have a Do-Over, would you?
  10. Can you cook well?
  11. Can you play a musical instrument?
  12. Do you drink coffee?
  13. Do you drink alcohol?
  14. Do you speak more than one language?
  15. Do you have a hidden talent?
  16. Have you ever tried a DIY project?
  17. Do you believe in ghosts?
  18. Are aliens real?
  19. Do you know anyone that has a crush on you?
  20. Did you ever believe there was a monster under your bed?

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Quiz topic: How Well will I Fare In Life?
