How well do you know your quotes?

Hello! This is just a Stargate Atlantis quote test. You can take this quiz to find out how well you know the first three seasons of SGA quotes. I promise it's not too hard.

If you've been paying attention to the show then you should have no problem passing this test, but if you haven't should probably go and rewatch the show!

Created by: AtlantisStargater
  1. Who said this:"Wasting power, Wasting power, Wasting power"
  2. Who said:"I just want to know who thinks I'm not a threat and give them a chance to change there mind"
  3. Who Said:"You've got a splinter, Rodney"
  4. Who said: "I'm pretty sure you can't hear me, but I don't have a volleyball to talk to"
  5. Who said:"She knows I'm from earth son, it's not a bloody secret"
  6. Who said: "As we had suspected, the deal did not go as planned"
  7. Who said: "I just can't understand you're allowed one personal item, and you chose this"
  8. Who said: "Is it my leg or my butt? It's both!"
  9. Who said: "It's just a walk in the park...a very scary park...filled with monsters trying to kill me"
  10. Who said: "I prefer this"

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my quotes?
