How well do you know your friend?

I don't want to write a really long paragraph or anything so let me just say these words: If you get a high score on this test, you'll know your friend so well you'll get to a whole new level. The LOVE level.

Again, don't want to right a really nerdy paragraph so just listen to the words I utter from my keyboard: YOU NEED A HIGH SCORE TO EVEN GET NEAR THE LOVE LEVEL. I HAVE EXPLAINED THAT IN THE % SCORES!

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How well do you know your friend? Let's see. What is his/her favorite color?
  2. Now that you've passed that question about your friend, answer this one: What is his/her favorite animal?
  3. Wow! You've gotten farther than most people. But if you really know your friend, you would be able to answer this: What is his/her favorite sport?
  4. OK. So you got this far, BIG DEAL! If you really knew them, they would have told you this, so i'm going to ask it: What is his/her worst fear?
  5. OK so that question kinda got personal but hey? who could blame me. But really I need to know this about them:What would your friend do for you if you were in trouble?
  6. Ya so you may have gotten a big heroic boy to save you but time's a wasting. Now you would KNOW this question: Does your friend have a crush on you?
  7. OK so maybe that was to personal but hey, I need my info. Now answer this for me: What do you and your friend like to do together?
  8. So getting personal may be a problem but here's the question: Is your friend allergic to anything? If so, TELL ME!!!!!
  9. Ha! You were like, I hate this question this woman is so nosy! Well I am so ha! OK the question is: Is your friend dating?
  10. Ha! You were like, I hate this question this woman is so nosy! Well I am so ha! OK the question is: Is your friend dating?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my friend?