How well do you know Transformice?

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Hello, and welcome to "How well do you know Transformice?"! This test will ultimately determine the amount of knowledge that you carry within the game itself.

Are YOU well enough to know about Transformice to be an excellent player in the game? Well, go ahead and take this quiz to find out! It's just a few clicks away!

Created by: carma

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the default title you first receive when you have just signed up for the game?
  2. How many mice do you have to save as a shaman before you can change the color of your totem?
  3. How many friends can you have registered into your friend list at a maximum?
  4. How do you earn more titles?
  5. How many administrators are there in Transformice?
  6. What are all of the administrators' names?
  7. What could you have done with your soulmate mouse during the recent Valentine's Day 2014 event?
  8. What do you have to do to unlock the title "Last Hope"?
  9. Are there tribes in Transformice?
  10. Do you like playing Transformice? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Transformice?