How much do you know about Transformice?

If you got/get a high score, you are very clever! You need to know a lot about this game, this is probably more of a easy one then a medium or a hard.

Can YOU finish this test and do YOU want to know how much you want to know about Transformice in this level? You may find out your score here! Good luck!

Created by: NaauandRoseia
  1. What is your title when you first join?
  2. What is the difference between a MAP soulmate and a MARRIED soulmate?
  3. How many levels can you get up to?
  4. What are guests called?
  5. What keys do you use to Wall jump/ Cheese jump?
  6. What is the game made by?
  7. Can you get over 99999 cheese and frasies?
  8. What are "frasies"?
  9. Are there admins?
  10. How do you think you did? (Does not effect)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Transformice?