How well do you know tick

You think you know me but you might not. Take this Quiz to find out how much you know about me you could either get between 0% and 100% so yeah I can't be bothered.

Are you mah friend take this quiz now to find out. You may know everything about me are barely anything at all. Take this quiz about me to find out...

Created by: rebecca
  1. What's my favourite colour?
  2. How old I am?
  3. What's my favourite food?
  4. What's my favourite TV series?
  5. What name do I usually use of tinychat?
  6. How long have I been on sploder?
  7. What is my favourite hobbie?
  8. What country do I come from?
  9. What's my full name?
  10. What pets do I have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know tick