How well do you know the Smurfs?

There are many Smurf Fans, but few are true Smurf fans. What is a true Smurf fan? A smurf fan is someone who has an extraordinarily memory of the little guys and knows them true and through!

Are YOU a True smurf fan? Do you have the Smurfy Power to qualify for that Smurftastic title? Until now you could only wonder.If you take the quiz, then in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Crazy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the name of the leader of the smurfs?
  2. What is The name of the leader of the Smurfs' Apprentice?
  3. Who is the smurfs enemey?
  4. Who is The leader of the smurfs' Wizard friend?
  5. Who is the uncoordinated smurf?
  6. What color are the Smurfs?
  7. What do the Smurfs say a lot?
  8. What Do the Smurfs live in?
  9. How tall are the Smurfs?
  10. What Do the Smurfs usually do with the Smurf they think is annoying?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Smurfs?