how well do you know the movie Starstruck?

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Starstruck is an amazing movie! do you kno the movie as well as i do? or do you just like it and wanna take it to test your knoledge!!!??? wellll take the quiz noww.

how well do you know starstruck!!??? i bet you are'nt reading this so blah blah blah filling space argh i hate this. take the quiz man stop reading this!

Created by: millse17
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the pop stars name in the movie?
  2. what is the lead girls name?
  3. what is the lead girls sisters name?
  4. how does the pop star meet the lead girl?
  5. what color eyes does the pop star have?
  6. does the lead girl like the pop star to begin with?
  7. what color car does the lead girl have?
  8. what is the lead girls car named?
  9. how many cars does the pop star have?
  10. i hope you enjoyed my quiz!!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the movie Starstruck?