How Well Do You Know The Movie Dreamgirls

Only a few people out in the world my age, that I know of like old movies like Dreamgirls. Great movies of romance, betrayal, and music. Things we all love now.

So show me that you are like me and enjoy movies before 2010. Movies that are great and captivating. So go ahead take my test and we will find out of you know about Dreamgirls.

Created by: Destiny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are the Dreamgirls original name?
  2. Who is C.C.
  3. What song did Effie walk out on?
  4. Who plays Deena?
  5. What is Effie's daughter name?
  6. How did Jimmy Early die?
  7. Who was waiting for Deena at the party?
  8. Who does Jimmy have an affair with?
  9. What song did Curtis steal from Effie?
  10. What movie was Deena supposed to play in?
  11. How old is Eddie's daughter?
  12. Who plays Curtis?
  13. What song did Jimmy Early sing
  14. Where does Deena and Curtis live?
  15. What was the last song sang in the movie Dreamgirls?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Movie Dreamgirls