How well do you know the Kane chronicles part 3

Hi I am (-_-) and this part 1 on how much do you know about the Kane chronicles, There is also a part 2 and 1 which you should do before this one. I hope you like my quiz.

I have done other quizzes that you might be interested in. I have done how well do you know the Heroes of Olympus series and how well do you know the Percy Jackson series.

Created by: (-_-)
  1. some magicians use some special eye magic to see ___ _________
  2. did it work on Felic
  3. Sadie clamed the person who talked to her was
  4. they went to the ____________________ expedition in Dallas
  5. Apophis left how many survivors
  6. they were told to save the
  7. Carter talks to Zia through a
  8. Sarah Jacobi is
  9. carter and walt ask ______ for help
  10. they have to save __________ to help them find a book that I will not say the name of
  11. They go to the tomb of
  12. How does Walt die.
  13. Carter and Zia go to the land of the
  14. who is fighting Apophis when they arrive from the duat
  15. How does Apophis die
  16. Final question:Who is made pharaoh.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Kane chronicles part 3
